The Science of Essential Oils
Aromatherapy - How does it work?
100% pure genuine therapeutic grade essential oils are known to induce profound effects on the brain, nervous system and all the systems of the body. The ability of essential oils to act on both the mind and the body is part of the reason that makes them so versatile. They are also very useful in your entire home environment for cleaning and setting a wonderful atmosphere. Inhaling high quality essential oils can help with weight management, relaxation, tension relief, concentration, mental clarity, and much more!
Aromas or scents can evoke memories or emotions before we are even consciously aware of them. This happens because the olfactory system is directly linked to the limbic lobe of the brain, which is the brain’s emotional control center. Emotions such as worry, hopelessness, fear, resentment, contentment, happiness, and delight are all developed in this region of the brain. All other senses (touch, taste, hearing, and sight) are routed through the thalamus which sits above the limbic lobe.
Additionally, the limbic lobe can directly activate the hypothalamus which controls body temp, hunger, thirst, fatigue, and sleep. It acts as our hormonal control center and releases hormones that can affect many functions of the body (examples: production of growth hormones, sex hormones, thyroid hormone, and neurotransmitters such as serotonin are all governed by the hypothalamus). Essential oils are a natural way to support your health and wellness!

The Science Behind the Highest Quality Essential Oils
It’s important to understand that all bottled essential oils out on the market are not equal in quality. The quality of the plant material and the method of distillation effects the quality of the essential oil and in turn, the benefits. Unfortunately, there are many essential oils out in the market that are adulterated with synthetics. Additionally, the labeling laws only require a small quantity (2%) of a truly pure oil in order to label the entire bottle pure. They are not required to include all ingredients on the label.
We choose Young Living because their Seed to Seal process guarantees the highest quality of beneficial constituents and an honest label. If it’s in the Young Living bottle, it’s on the Young Living label.

Natural vs Synthetic
Other than possible skin sensitivity (it’s not really an allergy, because there are no proteins in pure therapeutic grade essential oils), essential oils really don’t have any negative side effects like what is common in pharmaceutical drugs. This is because each growing season (sun, rain, time of harvest, etc) of any particular plant will be slightly different from batch to batch. Young Living’s Seed to Seal guarantees that the beneficial compounds in their essential oils are within the high quality therapeutic range for that particular plant. In contrast, a pharmaceutical drug is created exactly the same for every batch in a laboratory, therefore creating side effects and the danger of bacteria and other pathogens to adapt to them. We are not against pharmaceutical drugs; there is certainly a time and a place for them, but chronic use and overuse is something to be avoided if possible. We advocate reducing toxins as much as you can in all aspects of your environment and to use natural solutions whenever possible. This helps the amazing human body to work as it was intended. We always recommend that you discuss all your health and wellness options with your professional care giver.
The Chemistry of Essential Oils
The chemistry of essential oils are highly complex and are made up of a mixture of components that can work on a molecular level in your body. Our body’s cellular membranes are oily which matches up well with these very tiny essential oil molecules. In about 15-20 minutes after topical application, they can travel throughout your body; through the lymphatic system, the circulatory system, or through nerve pathways for example.
Young Living’s personal care line of products such as shampoo, soap, lotions, and toothpaste are all infused with essential oils.
The complex mixture of components might consist of hundreds of different and unique chemical constituents, some in minute quantities, but all contributing to the therapeutic effects. Essential oils are very versatile because of this complexity. Scientists can identify the major benefits of a particular essential oil through known properties of these naturally occurring constituents. Hydrocarbons and oxygenated compounds are the two main groups of compounds in essential oils. These are further subdivided in to key compound classes.
1) David Stewart’s book “The Chemistry of Essential Oils Made
2) The “7th Edition of the Essential Oils Desk Reference”
Both of the above resources as well as many more can be found